photo of Friends from Rwanda
Rwandan Witness - Friends at Ground ZeroFriends Peace House/Uguru Rw'Amahoro is a striking witness in a country so recently torn by genocide of nearly 800,000 people. The Evangelical Friends Church in Rwanda has firmly taken on the task of being workers for peace, healing and reconciliation in a land much in need of Divine Love.
photo of Russ Downs
Russ Downs' Song of the Soul

Singer/songwriter Russ Downs has been making music of many sorts for a couple decades - pop, rock, rockabilly, Christian, and more. Arlington, VA, is home with some time in Nashville, and his religious travels have taken him from non-practicing Methodist to Unitaritarian Universalist. Russ has an independent and compassionate mind, and plenty of heart in his songs.

logo for "Sustain Door" county
The Local Eating Challenge - Ann HippensteelInspired by the Local Food Challenge of, Ann Hippensteel has gone the past year eating food grown and produced within 100 miles of her home, and it's been a year of discovery, attuning to the land and dealing with global environmental issues, right at home.
photo of Stanley Campbell
Organizing Rockford - Stanley Campbell & Rockford Urban MinistriesStanley Campbell has served Rockford Urban Ministries for almost 25 years, a voice for peace, justice and care for the disadvantaged of Illinois' second city. Stanley knows the ropes, having started as a John Birch conservative who volunteered to fight in Vietnam and having learned to question and reexamine what he's been told.
photo of Mary Shapiro playing guitar
Mary Shapiro's Song of the Soul

Self-proclaimed as a Jewish-Christian-Mystic-Pluralist, Mary Shapiro is clearly a rich spiritual pastiche. Her music is folk-rock-progressive, and she carries deep passion for work to heal and grow the world. Native to the Midwest, Washington DC is her current home.

photo of the center
Maharishi Invincibility CenterA visit with the co-directors of the newly opened center for transcendental meditation in the Twin Cities, discussing the history, present and potential ofTranscendental Meditation to promote health and peace, inner and outer.
photo of modern windmill on poster for Earth Day 2009
Earth Day 2009 - Music on Main Stage

The main stage music from Eau Claire's 2009 Earth Day celebration, including performances by Quinn Elizabeth, Jeff White, Billy Krause & Chuck Roll, Patchouli.

scenic photo of Monteverde
Risë Hunter - Monteverde, Costa Rica and The Cloud Forest School A visit with Risë Hunter of Monteverde Friends School, who originally moved to Costa Rica to work at the Cloud Forest School, a private school for environmental education. The launching place for her spiritual journey? Catoctin Quaker Camp!
photo of the service from the back of the room
Taizé Service - Forgiveness & Unity

A different format Song of the Soul - a recording of a Taizé style worship service filled with music, words and silence. We've abridged the silences for this radio broadcast, but encourage you to try them with full silence to experience the power of the worship.

photo of mosque in Altoona
Mosque Event - National Peace Foundation and Islamic Society of North America A powerful sharing of activist culture between the West and the Middle East co-sponsored by the National Peace Foundation and the Islamic Society of North America. Representatives from Qatar, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates met Chippewa Valley activists at the Altoona mosque to listen and learn from one another.