Genesis 3 Clothing Our Disappointment Adam, Eve, and God in the Garden

From his continued curiosity about how we develop theologies that sustain us during periods of disappointment, Liam takes a look at Genesis 3. 

Regular listeners may recall the Drawing Near episode when Liam shared the story of a Rabbi, at his conversion, asking him, Do you have a theology of disappointment to sustain you when the institution of Judaism and your fellow Jews disappoint you?

In this episode, Liam confesses this question continues to pester and inspire him. From the position of thinking through those moments when he disappoints himself, when other people leave him crestfallen, and he feels a bit disconsolate about human nature, Liam takes a closer look at the story of Adam and Eve and their troubling misadventure in the garden of Eden.

Afterward, Don offers an other text for consideration—surprisingly, a short paragraph from Liam’s book, Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence

Available NOW! Check out Liam Hooper's NEW Book

In Trans-Forming Proclamation, Liam Hooper tenderly explores gender and the Bible. This book actually defies genre. With rich patches of poetry, memoir, and devotional, Liam weaves together inspiring literary insights with grounded, original, and informed scholarship. Trans-Forming proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence is new wine in a new wine skin. It is Inventive, artful, and liberating. Available on Amazon and published by Otherwise Engaged.  

About US

In each episode of Bible Bash Podcast, , Liam Michael Hooper, a white trans Bible scholar and Don Durham, a white, cis, heterosexual farmer, minister, and podcaster take turns presenting the text. They then discuss. In addition, each episode they present another text, a non-Biblical text of note--religious or secular--that may or may not correspond to the Bible text. 

Bible Bash Podcast is a collaborative project created by Liam Hooper, Don Durham, and Peterson Toscano.  

Our theme song is Playbill by The Jellyrox. It is available on iTunes, Spotify, or through Rock Candy Recordings. The show is edited by Peterson Toscano

To share your questions, comments, requests for passages to be discussed, or suggestions for guests who can talk about texts, email Liam & Don: 

Follow on Twitter


Liam @LiMHooper

Don @RealDonDurham

Bible Bash Podcast is part of the Rock Candy Network 

Bible Bash logo was designed by Diana Coe at Crone Communications

Check out other Rock Candy podcasts

Episode Number


First Air Date

June 2021 BB Genesis 3.mp3

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