In this month’s Citizens’ Climate Radio episode, host Peterson Toscano and the CCR teams introduce a fresh approach to climate change storytelling by exploring personal stories as metaphors. While these stories are not explicitly about climate change, they reveal truths and perspectives that resonate with our climate work. Join us to discover how personal narratives can enhance and diversify our stories about climate change. You will also learn expert storytelling tips to apply when telling stories about climate change.

Citizens Climate Radio is a monthly podcast and a project of Citizens Climate Education. Please subscribe to the Citizens Climate Lobby iTunes channel or wherever you listen to audio programs, and please share, rate, and review.
Exploring Rachel Carson’s Life and The Divestment Movement
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In this episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, hosts Horace Mo and Erica Valdez bring together diverse voices to discuss current efforts to address climate change. Horace Mo speaks with Ann E. Burg, a celebrated author known for compelling historical novels for young readers, about her newly published novel, “Force of Nature–A Novel of Rachel Carson,“ which opens a new door for readers to experience the life of Carson, a well-known environmental pioneer in the U.S., by reading her field notes and Ann’s innovative writing.
Rob Hopkins on the Role of Imagination in Climate Change Solutions
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In this month’s Citizens’ Climate Radio episode, Rob Hopkins, one of the founders of the Transition Town movement, shows us how playful imagination can lead to real-world solutions, and you will discover how a life-sized whale made of plastic bags brought a community together to pass groundbreaking legislation. Artist Carrie Ziegler shares her extraordinary project that mobilized hundreds of schoolchildren to make a powerful statement about plastic pollution. In the Nerd Corner, Dana Nuccitelli tackles the big question: is a carbon price still effective in a post-Inflation Reduction Act world?
Antarctic Awakenings: Unveiling Climate Change at the Ends of the Earth with Elizabeth Rush and Brett Cease
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In this episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, co-hosts Peterson Toscano and Erica Valdez explore the theme of climate change and its impact on Antarctica. They interviewed Elizabeth Rush, author of “The Quickening, Creation, and Community at the Ends of the Earth,” who shares her experiences and insights from a research expedition to Thwaites Glacier. They also spoke with Brett Cease, Vice President of Programs for Citizens’ Climate Lobby, who traveled to Antarctica and shared his observations. Additionally, they discuss sustainable fashion, resilience, and the Great School Electrification Challenge.
What is Your Climate Change Role?
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In this month’s episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, Eileen Flanagan, a writer, social change teacher, Quaker, and activist, dives deep with host Peterson Toscano into four different roles people have traditionally taken in change movements. In addition, Erica Valdez and Horace Mo join Peterson for a vibrant discussion about their personal experiences in taking one of these roles.
There’s Something Funny about Climate Change
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In this episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, listeners hear stories, insights, and innovative approaches to tackling climate change. From the unique perspective of a climate change comedian who marries humor with serious environmental advocacy to the empowering tales of youth activism at the global COP28 summit, this episode showcases diverse methods of engagement and action.
Good News
First Air Date
In this episode we celebrate some of the good news the CCR team have found for you. Lily Russian, Karina Taylee, Horace Mo, and Peterson Toscano will each share with you good news stories about what is happening in the climate change sphere. You will also hear good news about what you can expect from our show in 2024. Did someone say True Crime Climate mini series??
The Impact of Forests in Our Climate Change Fight
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In this episode, host Peterson Toscano guides us through an exploration of the role forests play in addressing the causes and impacts of climate change, both in urban and rural settings. Six guests provide personal narratives, expert insights, and actionable strategies that will inform and inspire climate advocates.
The Best New Climate Change Books and Podcasts
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As a climate advocate, you want to stay well informed, up to date, and equipped in the work you do. On today’s show the Citizens’ Climate Radio Team will help you do just that. In today’s show they feature the newest and best books and podcasts related to climate advocacy. They also speak to the creators behind these excellent new resources.
The College Carbon Fee and Dividend Climate Change Movement
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In episode 88 of Citizens’ Climate Radio, we dive into the passion and action of young climate activists, exploring their journeys from concern to meaningful action. Host, Peterson Toscano leads the conversation, spotlighting the endeavors of students like Emily O’Keefe and Helen Tiffin in fostering awareness about climate change and feasible solutions, focusing particularly on the carbon fee and dividend policy.