Jesus and the Glory Seekers: Mark 10: 35-45

For his December Bash, Don takes a close and insightful look at Mark’s gospel and Jesus’ interactions with James and John, who wish to be seated at Jesus’ side and share in his glory. Or, so they say when they ask Jesus to do something for them. 

In his reading, Don peels back the layers of this story to expose what appears to be a first-century, discipleship power-grab. And, of course, Don has some thoughts about this, as well as Jesus’ revealing response to James and John.

After some lively discussion, Liam shares another text: a reading from Steven Charleston’s Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder’s Meditations on Hope and Courage (Broadleaf Books, 2021).

From Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder’s Meditations on Hope and Courage:

Justice does not just happen. Compassion is not a spectator sport, but something I have to exercise as I roll up my sleeves to do my part in creating a better community.I need to put in my hours as a volunteer. I have to join the prayer crew and put my life on the line to make a difference. The world will change not by wishes, but by the labor of love we call faith. Spirituality is not a spa, but a construction site, where we build hope one heart at a time.

...we need to remember we are here to serve others. This is not all about us and it never has been. It is about community. It is about the tribe of the human beings. We have a constituency as people of faith. There are other human beings and other life forms we work for.

They are listening. The poor are listening for the word of justice to give them hope. The lonely are listening for the sound of a caring heart. The abused and broken are listening for the healing sound of mercy. The fearful are listening for a word of truth that can set them free. Many people listening, but what are they hearing? Break their silence with the sound of the words the Spirit has given you. Speak hope and mercy, speak justice and truth, say what you believe that will heal and help. Now is not the time to be quiet, for there is an ocean of listening all around you, waiting for the word of life.

What made my ancestors strong, what allowed them to survive, was faith. A faith practiced every day, recreating reality one step at a time.


In Trans-Forming Proclamation, Liam Hooper tenderly explores gender and the Bible. This book actually defies genre. With rich patches of poetry, memoir, and devotional, Liam weaves together inspiring literary insights with grounded, original, and informed scholarship. Trans-Forming proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence is new wine in a new wine skin. It is Inventive, artful, and liberating. Available on Amazon and published by Otherwise Engaged.  

About US

In each episode of Bible Bash Podcast, , Liam Michael Hooper, a white trans Bible scholar and Don Durham, a white, cis, heterosexual farmer, minister, and podcaster take turns presenting the text. They then discuss. In addition, each episode they present another text, a non-Biblical text of note--religious or secular--that may or may not correspond to the Bible text. 

Bible Bash Podcast is a collaborative project created by Liam Hooper, Don Durham, and Peterson Toscano.  

Our theme song is Playbill by The Jellyrox. It is available on iTunes, Spotify, or through Rock Candy Recordings. You also heard One More Moment by Indigo Days. The show is edited by Peterson Toscano

To share your questions, comments, requests for passages to be discussed, or suggestions for guests who can talk about texts, email Liam & Don: 

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Liam @LiMHooper

Don @RealDonDurham

Bible Bash Podcast is part of the Rock Candy Network 

Bible Bash logo was designed by Diana Coe at Crone Communications

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Jesus and the Glory Seekers Mark 10.mp3

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Liam Hooper
Don Durham


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