Midwives: Beautiful, Splendid Leaders of Resistance -- Exodus 1:15-21

We begin the new year, in 2022, with a close reading of the story of the midwives in Exodus 1: 15-21. Liam offers us an invitation to recognize Shifrah and Puah as revolutionary resistors and so much more: namely, co-creators with G-d, The Potter of earthen vessels. Along the way, Liam and Don offer, for our consideration, the idea that we are all potentially midwives of a sort. Even, perhaps, revolutionaries. Following their discussion of the story - including thoughts about changing diapers, and digging up mud for throwing clay - Don offers another text.

Don’s Other Text: From “Soul Among Lions: Musings of a Bootleg Preacher” by Will D. Campbell © 1999, Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky. pp. 8-9.

When you write rare books for a living, paydays are sometimes sporadic

Some years ago my wife said one of us had to get out and find a real job. I sensed a preference. Waylon Jennings, a neighbor and old friend, gave me the prestigious position of cook on his tour bus. Waylon is not noted for excessive piety, but I learned an important lesson from him. Late one night I said, “Waylon, what do you believe?”

“Yeah,” he answered. On an overnight stagecoach, a conversation need not be rushed. After a long silence I asked, “Yeah? What’s that supposed to mean?” Quiet again, until Waylon said, “Uh-huh.” That ended my prying into the state of ole Waylon’s soul.

Today we are bombarded with a theology of certitude. I don’t find much biblical support for the stance of God told me and I’m telling you, and if you don’t believe as I do, you’re doomed,” A sort of “My god can whip your god” posture. From Abraham, going out by faith not knowing where he was being sent, to Jesus on the cross, beseeching the Father for a better way, there was always more inquiring faith than conceited certainty.

It occurs to me that the troubadour’s response that late night might have been the most profound affirmation of faith I had ever heard. “Yeah. I believe. Don’t bother me with all the baggage.’ Recently he wrote a song about that long ago conversation. “In my own way I’m a believer,” he sings.*

Maybe that’s as close as any of us ever get.

* From “I Do Believe” by Waylon Jennings. © Waylon Jennings Music.


In Trans-Forming Proclamation, Liam Hooper tenderly explores gender and the Bible. This book actually defies genre. With rich patches of poetry, memoir, and devotional, Liam weaves together inspiring literary insights with grounded, original, and informed scholarship. Trans-Forming proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence is new wine in a new wine skin. It is Inventive, artful, and liberating. Available on Amazon and published by Otherwise Engaged.  

About US

In each episode of Bible Bash Podcast, , Liam Michael Hooper, a white trans Bible scholar and Don Durham, a white, cis, heterosexual farmer, minister, and podcaster take turns presenting the text. They then discuss. In addition, each episode they present another text, a non-Biblical text of note--religious or secular--that may or may not correspond to the Bible text. 

Bible Bash Podcast is a collaborative project created by Liam Hooper, Don Durham, and Peterson Toscano.  

Our theme song is Playbill by The Jellyrox. It is available on iTunes, Spotify, or through Rock Candy Recordings. You also heardMusic: Poets by Ciaran Delany. The show is edited by Peterson Toscano

To share your questions, comments, requests for passages to be discussed, or suggestions for guests who can talk about texts, email Liam & Don:  convos@biblebashpodcast.com 

Follow on Twitter


Liam @LiMHooper

Don @RealDonDurham

Bible Bash Podcast is part of the Rock Candy Network 

Bible Bash logo was designed by Diana Coe at Crone Communications

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Jan 2022 Rebel Midwives Exodus 1 15 to 22.mp3

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