Bill Staines Sings One Last Time: Critter In The Choir

Bill Staines

The incredible and influential folksinger, Bill Staines died this past week, bringing tears of fond memories to my eyes when I got the news. I've been singing his songs in our local song circles for 40 years now, so I decided to again share my 2015 Song of the Soul interview with you, today, in homage of a wonderful man and musician. Bill is best-known, perhaps, for his songs like All God's Critters Got A Place In The Choir, and River, but there are hundreds more available on his more than 26 albums produced over his more than 4 and a half decades and 3 million miles of folk music minstrelsy. Have a good time fondly remembering Bill Staines and his gift of music as we listen to my 2015 interview with Bill, which I called Critter In The Choir.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Bill Staines:
The Roseville Fair - from The Whistle of the Jay
Child Of Mine - from Going To The West
Crossing The Water - from Going To The West
Old Dogs - from Old Dogs
Ceremony - from Old Dogs
If I Come To Need An Angel - from Beneath Some Lucky Star
River - from Going To The West

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Bill Staines Sings One Last Time: Critter In The Choir

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In talking about Celebration and recognition of our children's transitions, Mark shares the way he celebrated high school graduation for his son, Chris.
What's a nice New England guy like you doing with a yodel like that?
So, is Roseville a real place, as in Roseville Fair?
Was the kinda Southern accent an attempt to "fit in"?

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Bill Staines


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