A Chanteuse Friend of Mother Nature

Victoria Vox

Victoria Vox is more than a beautiful voice, she's a creative font of folk/pop music, occasionally in French, always in style & beauty. Write a song each week for 52 weeks? She's done it. Writing songs since she was 10, inspired by the likes of Cyndi Lauper & Madonna, and powered by the ukelele, Victoria's music is full of grace & depth.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Victoria Vox:

America - from Jumping Flea
C'est Noyé - from Chameleon
Mother Nature - from Exact Change
Daffodil - from Key
Mama's Lullaby - from Key
Mon Coeur Vide - from Key

Episode Number


First Air Date

A Chanteuse Friend of Mother Nature - Victoria Vox

Audio file

Since Victoria was inspired by Madonna's music in her youth, how is Victoria's stage presence like Madonna's? Victoria sells her brand-name underwear at her shows!
Does Victoria advocate lawlessness in her song <em>Out the Back Door?</em>
Vox was/is not Victoria's given name - so where did it come from?

Broadcast Date(s)


Victoria Vox


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