Coming Alive to David LaMotte

Cover of David LaMotte's album, Still

David Lamotte returns today for Song of the Soul. If you've listened to our previous visits with David, you'll know why we were eager to welcome him back. Through his music that is so clearly rooted, both in place, in meaning, and in Spirit, David enchants. Today's selections are all from his latest album, Still, where the fruits of the altered life of the past 4 years since the start of the pandemic are abundant. This is David's 13th album, he's put out 3 books, founded the Jewish-Muslim-Christian trio known as Abraham Jam and much more. David Lamotte comes to us from Black Mountain, North Carolina.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Presbyterian, Quaker

All featured music is written & performed by David Lamotte all songs from his album, Still:

Here For You


Coming Alive Again

September Me

You Are Loved

Episode Number


First Air Date

Coming Alive to David LaMotte

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David LaMotte


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