Earth Day 2007 Community Singalong

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Back on April 22nd, also known as Earth Day 2007, the Eau Claire Friends Meeting organized, Unity Christ Center of Eau Claire hosted and the Sierra Club and the Shalom Mennonite Church co-sponsored an Earth Banquet Potluck and Community Earth Singalong. About 40 hearty voices showed up and lifted up song of their souls for the Earth. It was all done without practice and with low-tech recording methods, but with immense joy.

Songs shared at the 2007 Community Earth Singalong:

Trees of the Field
Des Colores
For the Beauty of the Earth
Joy Is Like the Rain
Creation Is Laughing
All Beautiful the March of Days
This Pretty Planet
Now I Walk In Beauty
The Water Wheel Song
The Happy Wanderer
The River Is Flowing
O Healing River
All Things Bright And Beautiful
We Come From The Mountain
We Belong to the Earth
Big Yellow Taxi
Every Part of this Earth

Episode Number


First Air Date

Earth Day 2007 Community Singalong

Audio file

Trees of the Field
Des Colores

Broadcast Date(s)


Many singers


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