Italian Woman On The Moon

Giulia Millanta

Giulia Millanta is the best Americana singer from Italy you could ever hope to encounter. She's been in the USA, in Austin, TX, for the past 10 years or so, and she seems to be producing endless riches of music, 8 albums to-date. While her talent & craft are impeccable, it is her heart-and-soul touching lyrics and voice that make her a memorable treat for all who are blessed to hear her perform.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Buddhism, Atheism, Non-affiliated

All featured music is written & performed by Giulia Millanta:
The World Is In Your Heart - from Woman on the Moon
Looking For Bliss - from Woman on the Moon
The Distance In Between - from Woman on the Moon
Tomorrow Is A Bird - from Tomorrow Is A Bird
Lonesome Throne - from Conversation With A Ghost
Sugar Home (Failed Attempts) - from Tomorrow Is A Bird
Mad Man On The Moon - from Woman on the Moon

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with Giulia Millanta

Audio file

Italian Woman On The Moon

Audio file

How Giulia's record label and Mark’s buying club got their names
Giulia's reflections on the moon, and the origins of the dreamy & rocking versions of the song.
Giulia found her way to being a faithful meditator.
The name & the energy of the moon is that of a woman!
Giulia's early musical influences included Cat Stevens, Neil Young, and the music of Simon & Garfunkel.
Giulia believes the body is a temple!
Giulia did the training for a medical degree, but rested instead of going into medicine.
Not a break-up song, but a deep growth choice.

Broadcast Date(s)


Giulia Millanta


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