Mary Shapiro's Song of the Soul

photo of Mary Shapiro playing guitar

Self-proclaimed as a Jewish-Christian-Mystic-Pluralist, Mary Shapiro is clearly a rich spiritual pastiche. Her music is folk-rock-progressive, and she carries deep passion for work to heal and grow the world. Native to the Midwest, Washington DC is her current home.

Songs included in Mary Shapiro's Song of the Soul:

Family   Mary Shapiro
Dreams   Mary Shapiro
Attend the Sky   Susan Werner
P-E-A-C-E   Mary Shapiro
Justice x Love   music by Peter Scholte, words by Mary Shapiro
Home   Mary Shapiro
Sacred in All   Mary Shapiro


Episode Number


First Air Date

Mary Shapiro's Song of the Soul

Audio file

By Thy Grace

Broadcast Date(s)


Mary Shapiro


Thank you SOOOO much Mark! You made this, (my first radio interview!) easy and enjoyable!

Mary is truly a person who speaks with her soul, and I have been blessed to spend time with her, both on and off stage. The songs she selected are truly a genuine representation of the walk she has engaged, and I can't wait for her new disc to come out.

Wow, I love Cris Williamson's music and love the idea of connecting music and spiritual journey. It is a quite natural connection and I know that that, from an early age, each mixed tape, CD and now playlist I make is a kind of spiritual snapshot. I, too have been blessed by Mary on and off stage and look forward to touring the west coast with her this summer. Thank you!

Very Nice Songs. Thank you Mary

SO PROUD OF YOU, MARY!!!!!! What a wonderful show. I truly enjoyed listening to it and cannot wait to see you here in Cleveland soon!

Inspiring and Uplifting. Thank you Mark and Mary for filling this last hour with enjoyment and grace.

Mary has a sweet voice that melts stress and allows it to flow from the body. Her words are a gentle reminder of what is really important. Your show is a blessing to all who stop by to listen.

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