More Light - Christopher Grundy's Song of the Soul

Christopher Grundy is a UCC minister and teaches at Eden Theological Seminary in St Louis and he's one of the founders of a group called the Progressive Christian Artists Network. His songs are filled with vivid images and diverse subjects, including even one ghost story!

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Christopher Grundy::
More Light
Come to the Feast
Here In Providence
The Fisherman's Daughter
Clean White Paper
As the Moon


Episode Number


First Air Date

More Light - Christopher Grundy's Song of the Soul

Audio file

A song about churches being opened up and reversing the closed nature of too many of them.
One of his songs that he first performed for an audience that needed the most to hear it. not an audience that wanted to hear it.
Uncut Song of the Soul interview with Christopher Grundy

Broadcast Date(s)


Christopher Grundy



I really appreciated this program. This is the first time I've heard the Song of the Soul. Great conversation with Christopher Grundy and it was good to hear his process in creating his songs. Thank you. 

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