Music In My Mother's House - And Everywhere

Stuart Stotts

Stuart Stotts is a powerful singer/songwriter, storyteller, & writer. Although he's made a living for around 30 years focusing mostly on youth & schools, many of his most popular and requested songs are targeted at grown-up audiences. Present for the founding of the Children's Music Network, Stuart also played for a stretch as part of the social change rock group, Tongue N Groove.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Buddhism, Non-affiliated, Presbyterian 

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Stuart Stotts:
World Citizen - from Good Friends
Music In My Mother's House - from One Big Dance
Change You Want To See - from We Are Everywhere, by Tongue N Groove
Sailing - from Eldervoices
Counting the Planes - from Eldervoices
Cannot Stop the Spring - from Come to the Well
Crazy Bout Me - from I'm a Teacher Not a Babysitter

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Music In My Mother's House - And Everywhere

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Stuart Stotts


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