Music of Summer 2020 – From Wonder Woman to a Frog in a Pond

2020 Summer Recap Show

A delightful retrospective of Song of the Soul guests from Summer 2020, ranging lighthearted to profoundhearted. From interviews with Jude JohnstoneLarry HeagleLaura FarleyRobinlee GarberLeslie EversRick RuskinKirk Mann, & Tom Pirozolli.

Featured Music:
Unchained - by Jude Johnstone (with Bonnie Raitt), full 5/16/20 show
Iowa Ditch Weed - by Larry Heagle, full 6/27/20 show
John's Song - by Laura Farley of High and Rising, full 7/4/20 show
Lovin Your Mama - by Robinlee Garber, full 7/11/20 show
Wonder Woman - by Leslie Evers, full 7/25/20 show
Rain Man - by Rick Ruskin, full 8/1/20 show
Shine Like a Lantern - by Kirk Mann, full 5/23/20 show
Frog In A Pond - by Tom Pirozollifull 5/3/20 show

Episode Number


First Air Date

Music of Summer 2020 – From Wonder Woman to a Frog in a Pond

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Jude Johnstone
Larry Heagle
Laura Farley
Robinlee Garber
Leslie Evers
Rick Ruskin
Kirk Mann
Tom Pirozolli


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