Nathen Aswell's Song of the Soul

Nathan Aswell

Nathen Aswell is a Canadian singer/songwriter who believes his purpose in this life is to inspire and heal through his music. His debut CD "Little By Little" is a mix of excellent music with deep Spirit.

Songs included in Nathen Aswell's Song of the Soul:
Little by Little
More Than Enough
Here and Now
Do That Thing
To Love
Choose Love


Episode Number


First Air Date

Nathen Aswell's Song of the Soul

Audio file

Little By Little - how other folks inspire Nathan.
More Than Enough - Small things taken for granted

Broadcast Date(s)


Nathan Aswell


Dear Mark - I don't think that it would be fair for me to rate this show (!). That said, it gave me great joy to listen to it; you're a wonderful interviewer, and I very much enjoyed "dancing" with you. I wish you very well with all that you do, and I hope that I get to meet you in person one fine day. Much love to you, dear man, - Nathen Aswell XO

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