Northwest Passage Revisited

Evalyn Parry

Evalyn Parry mixes music, spoken word, with writing, directing and performing theater. With beautiful vocals, wide-ranging thoughts and creativity, and lots of engaging attitude, Evalyn makes magic, including her musical theater production, Spin, concerning the early feminist movement & biking.

In addition to her recordings available via her web site, more of her music, including unreleased songs, are on Bandcamp and on Soundcloud.

She Rides - from Spin
To Live in the Age of Melting: Northwest Passage Revisited - from To Live in the Age of Melting: Northwest Passage Revisited
Records - unreleased
Heartbeat - unreleased
The Stone and the Bumblebee (A Love Story) - from Unreasonable

Episode Number


First Air Date

Northwest Passage Revisited

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Evalyn Parry


Great work. Thanks, Mark Helpsmeet. Evalyn Parry is the best!

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