Old-Fashioned Folk Singer

Steve Suffet

Steve Suffet has the heart & the pedigree of a 100% authentic old-fashioned folk singer. Growing up near ground zero of the folk music explosion of NYC in the early 1960's, Steve has witnessed & shared the music of many others, and added his share to the conversation. Though he waited a few decades to start recording his music, Steve has 7 CDs on CDBaby.

All songs in this program are written & performed by Steve Suffet:
The October Waltz - from Low Rent District
The Evergreen Line - from Folksinger's Fancy - also featuring Anne Price
Can You Hear That Steam Whistle Blow? - from I've Been Up on the Mountain
Where's My Bagel and Lox? from I've Been Up on the Mountain, co-written with Joel Landy
Low-rent District - from Low Rent District
Trucker's 900 Miles - from I've Been Up on the Mountain, also featuring Anne Price
Got My Union - from Folksinger's Fancy - also featuring Anne Price

Episode Number


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Old-Fashioned Folk Singer

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Steve Suffet


Mark, Thank you for having me on your program. I believe it went very well. --- Steve Suffet

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