Playing With Wolves

Collectively, Kai Ulrica & Nikk Wolfe are Wolves At The Door. Their collective music combines Nikk's lyrics and musical framework with Kai's melodies and arrangements. With a frequent strong rock edge, Nikk is often tugged toward blues and slide guitar, while Kai's tendency is harmonies, like when she performs as part of RavenWolf or Girl Band.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Buddhism, Catholic, Earth-Based Spirituality, Lutheran, Taoist, Unitarian Universalist 

Unless otherwise noted, all songs in this program are written & performed by Wolves At The Door:
Deja Vu - from Unforgiven
Shadows Fall - from Shadows Fall
But That's How the Game Is Played - from Shadows Fall
St. Theresa's Eyes - from Shadows Fall
My Sad Eyes - from Shadows Fall
Sentimental Journey - from Side By Side performed by Kai Ulrica & Myron Dammen, written by Les Brown, Ben Homer, and Bud Green

Episode Number


First Air Date

Playing With Wolves

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Broadcast Date(s)


Kai Ulrica
Nikk Wolfe


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