Raising Consciousness One Eyebrow At A Time - Vonn New's Song of the Soul

Vonn New

Vonn New creates innovative music, modeling deep listening in the process. Using things like flutes, percussion, found sounds and field recordings, Vonn creates sonic playgrounds over which she improvises. She also notes that "My intention as an artist is to promote peace-building and non-violence by modeling the power of listening, and the expression of defiant joy", crucial tools and gifts sorely lacking in our culture.

All the songs in this program are created & performed by Vonn New
Open Hand
Zoo Grass

BONUS SONG: Friction (A Celebration of Rubbing Things Together) - Find it in EXCERPTS


Episode Number


First Air Date

Raising Consciousness One Eyebrow At A Time - Vonn New's Song of the Soul

Audio file

Vonn was musically drawn from tender ages, but the world kept chanelling her away from her heart. Girls can't play drums, girls play pianos, or cornet, or 4/4 time. What a wide-ranging ride to her musical center...
Creative music from a wildly creative mind... Vonn's music rubs ME the right way!

Broadcast Date(s)


Vonn New


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