Sparkling Diamond from NC – Abigail Dowd

Abigail Dowd

Abigail Dowd's songs are rich deeply connected to both folk/Americana music, and to spirit-tinged lyrics, making her the perfect Song of the Soul guest. You'll also immediately hear Abigail Dowd's North Carolina accent, and you'll hear the voice of an angel poet in the same moment. Both of Abigail's parents were musicians, her grandfather combined a barber shop and music shop – a shop, by the way, where it is said that Keith Richards bought guitar strings – so she seemed destined to a life of making music. You'll surely be enchanted by Abigail's stories and tunes, and be tempted in the instant to head down to Greensboro, NC, to get more.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Pentecostal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Buddhist, Meditation, Yoga

All songs in this program are written & performed by Abigail Dowd:
Diamond - from Beautiful Day
One Moment At A Time - from Beautiful Day
Beautiful Day - from Beautiful Day
Run - from Beautiful Day
River - from a live performance
Grandmother Moon - from Beautiful Day

Episode Number


First Air Date

Sparkling Diamond from NC – Abigail Dowd

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Abigail Dowd


Mark, how great it was to connect! Thank you for sharing this album - and the space to talk about the journey behind it. 
Many blessings, ~Abigail 

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