Tom Rawson's Song of the Soul

photo of Tom Rawson holding his banjo and smiling

For about 30 years Tom Rawson has been a presence on Seattle's activist and music scene. Teaching or not, you'll find his banjo, dulcimer or other instruments nearby, ready to help inspire hope and get a group singing.

All the songs in this program are performed by Tom Rawson:

Spirit Song   from Outside The Lines
Family of Woman and Man   from Outside The Lines
Coloring Outside the Lines   from Outside The Lines
Peterson's Farm   from Outside The Lines
Somewhere to Begin   from Where the Coho Flash Silver
Circle of Light   from Where the Coho Flash Silver
Love & Justice   from Outside The Lines


Episode Number


First Air Date

Tom Rawson's Song of the Soul

Audio file

Spirit Song
Family of Woman and Man

Broadcast Date(s)


Tom Rawson


Thought you'd be happy to know how Lopez Preparative Meeting used the Song of the Soul interview with Tom Rawson. The last Sunday of each month is "Singing Sunday" for our group, and in May, we listened to the downloaded podcast, and sang along with, Tom's interview. Everyone enjoyed hearing the stories behind the songs as well as Tom's sharing of his spiritual journey (thanks to Mark's great questions), and we were able to join in on the songs. This was the 3rd time I've listened to the interview, and I was just as inspired as on the first hearing. Some in our meeting know Tom and appreciated learning more about him; others, hearing his story and songs for the first time, were moved by both. Thank you to both of you for your ministry.

What a guy! What a great guy! Thanks for the songs, the inspiration, the humor and the clear delight you carry in having fun while doing good. Great show!

It is always a pleasure to hear Tom and his music! It makes me want to sing, dance, laugh, and to stand up and take more actions on Peace,Social Justice and Environmental issues! We have known each other through protesting the Bangor nuclear submarine base, Fellowship of Reconciliation (MLK,jr joined this pacifist organ. 12/06/58, 2 days after I was born), Seattle Folklife Festival, taking the photograph on his first album, producing Bill Staines concerts, and attending a recording session on an album. He is a great man and humanitarian! Peace to you, Justice for all and Love to ya' Tom!

Great show. I've seen Tom perform several times and have talked to him but this interview gives me a deeper understanding of his background and where some of his songs came from. Thanks

An inspiring program that left me smiling, singing, crying, and full of hope. Tom's stories of his spiritual journey and how he uses music to promote peace and justice are affirming of the value of the creative spirit in such efforts. Plus it sounds like he has lots of fun! I also appreciated learning more about the songs, song-witers, and Tom's philosophy about performing music. Mark asked insightful questions, and Tom was eloquent in his responses. I'll listen again (and buy some of Tom's CDs) when I need a lift.

I loved these songs, especially Somewhere to begin. Thank you for having this program on your show.

I love Tom's concerts and music. What a treat to hear more about his life, his influences, thoughts, inspirations! I've never heard about this program and am excited to get introduced to it. Music has been my deepest passion since early childhood. It has been my healer, my companion, my savior, my inspiration. How wonderful to find a program and honors that. Thank you!!!

This is a great program. Tom is a wonderful folk singer. His songs made a big difference in our day. Thank you for having him on your program. OSKJFH Tom and Barbara Proehl

A lovely way to start the day.. with music and hope and Tom playin' on his banjo. I liked it!

A great show. Tom Rawson is the "real thing." He speaks - and sings - from the heart. If at all possible try to see a live show.

Authentic truthtelling. Beautiful music reflecting the human condition.

HI, I don't know if my comment was actually sent, so I'm repeating it' I love Tom Rawson. I enjoyed your program featuring him very much and thought that you did him justice in your interview, showing your radio audience what a fine man he is in every way. Pat Carfra Victoria, B.C. Canada p.s. Chris Williamson does a great job on the old song, your theme song, 'Song of the Soul'. The last time I heard it was when my 96 year old aunt sang it to me over the phone with great gusto. Does she have it on a CD? I couldn't find that info on her website. Thanks

Hello! I was given one of his albums b y Bob & Betty McInnes, and enjoyed it then, but now even more knowing some of the background and history! I'm 67, an ex-pat from the USSA [not a typo] in 1969, and now live near Victoria, BC All best, Joseph PS: The colours of the code box make it impossible to read.... Fortunately, I was able to highlight and copy it!

I do love Tom Rawson's performances and in person he is even better!

I like what your show is doing and I like that you found out about Tom Rawson. I used to be in a folk singing group with Tom called The Raging Zephyr in Seattle area and he was a driving force in that group with his wonderful musical and singing ability and the fine songs he brought to our performances. I have also heard him perform throughout Washington state and he gives a top notch show and has a sincerely good heart and mission. I am so happy to know Tom and will continue to attend his shows.

I love it when my past lives collide. After leaving Menomonie Wisconsin, where Dean and I attended Quaker meeting for awhile and met Mark, we lived in Chehalis. We became part of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and got to hear Tom sing and play at Seabeck and various other places. Yay! Blessings, Karen Kirkwood

Thank you so much for this program. Tom is something of a local hero and it's wonderful to hear a bit of his story as well as his songs.

I loved it! Safari let me listen (Google Chrome did not). Glad I persevered and got through. Many thanks. You got the best of Tom Rawson in a lovely radio show.

I loved this interview with Tom Rawson. I know Tom as a friend and musical comrade, and I have been to some of his concerts and own his CDs. I loved listening to him talk about the reasons he selected each song he played here. They do represent his community and nature-centered heart and soul. For Tom, there is not much distinction between doing good caring work in the world and being "spiritual". This is my first encounter with the format for this show, which I really like, by the way.

This was wonderful! Tom's fan base extends all the way across country to Connecticut, where his loyal hometown fans remain. What a pleasure to hear his voice and his music.

Wow. Thanks for this wonderful hour with Tom. I have been a fan for years and count him a friend, too. I really enjoyed learning more about his music and his spiritual journey. He really lives a life that is making a difference. Thanks, Tom.

Great show with Tom Rawson, who is a dear friend of our Family, and a person that we can't seem to get enough of, Musically or Spiritually. Many Thanks to you Mark, for this opportunity.

Lovely to hear this interview, thanks both Tom and Mark. I loved also hearing it bracketed by an old favorite by Chris Williamson. This almost makes up for not seeing you in Bend, OR last fall. Enjoy your sabbatical but hurry back...we have fish here!

WOW!! I listened to Tom Rawson on my early morning walk today and what a treat it was!! Such beautiful music and lyrics. I was uplifted for the day....thank you Tom and Mark!

Lovely music and interesting discussion - good to learn about what motivates this artist, and his background.

It is good to hear from the life of someone so dedicated to moving this world ahead a step or two in the direction of peace and rationality.

I'm at a public library... and I wasn't able to connect to the audio link, so I didn't hear it. I know Tom Rawson, though, and I think he's great!

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