Adopting Liberia

Mark & Peggy Halvorsen

Most Americans would be at least leery of moving to Liberia, West Africa, from a comfortable home in the Midwest USA, especially with 4 teenagers in tow, but not everyone is as faithful to God's call as are Mark & Peggy Halvorsen. Following a leading to adoption of a Liberian child, and the death of that child due to health conditions in Liberia, Peggy & Mark founded, undertaking well-digging, school building, and many more projects, now to be augmented by the full-time presence of the Halvorsens to care for our African neighbors' spiritual, physical, & social needs. Mark will be leaving his roughly 30-years of work with WWIB-West Wisconsin Christian Radio, and Peggy will be drawing on her education degree, and the learning of 11 mission trips to the country.

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Adopting Liberia

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Mark Halvorsen
Peggy Halvorsen


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