Jan Spencer lives in Eugene, Oregon, and he's been creating a preferred future, on the ground and for the wider culture, from his one-quarter acre suburban home there. Many folks may assume that you have to move out to the country to create something in tune with nature, but Jan's wonderful homestead in the city proves the contrary. In addition to the practical skills and insights he's developed, Jan Spencer has assembled a piercing analysis of what we need to do to move, as a culture, in a world-healing, world-compatible direction, creating better lives for all of us. Jan broadcasts his thoughts and interviews from one of America's wonderful low-power FM stations, KEPW, in Eugene, Oregon. Check out all of his media on his website., especially his 30 or 60-minute overviews of his work, and you can also see a video tour/interview of his property.
Creating A Preferred Future - Jan Spencer
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Creating A Preferred Future - Jan Spencer
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Jan Spencer
Creating A Preferred Future
Great conversation!
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