Drunk With Wonder - Steve Ryals

Drunk With Wonder - Steve Ryals

A visit with Steve Ryals, author of Drunk With Wonder: Awakening to the God Within, former speed freak and alcoholic, and activist with Challenge Day

Music featured in this program:
How Could Anyone Ever Tell You - Peaceful Women

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Drunk With Wonder - Steve Ryals

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Steve danced up to the edge, on the verge of killing himself with drug abuse, when he had an out-of-body experience that turned him around.
The deaths of Martin Luther King, Jr, Bobby Kennedy and Steve's friend, Carl, all set the stage for an optimistic and helpful visit from the grave by Carl, something that turned around Steve's previously atheist beliefs.
Challenge Day is an organization working to break down barriers and help youth acheive emotional literacy - and Steve is all about these goals.
A journey of self-discovery, starting with hypnosis, led Steve to a non-dualistic view, that we <strong><em>are</em></strong> our higher selves, that we are the God Within.

Broadcast Date(s)


Steve Ryals


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