ENPH - Environmental Public Health At Work

photo of two students who participated

A visit with 3 folks with the ENPH program - Environmental Public Health - at UW-EC, a training ground for professionals working with the intersection of public health and the environment. Crispin Pierce is the director of the program and Caleb Johnson and Patrick Bloecher are seniors in the program. At the same time they do the public work with ENPH, they are transformed personally by the experience.


First Air Date

ENPH - Environmental Public Health At Work

Audio file

The students' environmental background
Economics and environmental public health
The impact of humans on nature and nature on humans
Crispin's dealings with his neighbors about his caring for his lawn as a prairie
overview of the program
The students' religious backgrounds and current spirituality

Broadcast Date(s)


Crispin Pierce
Caleb Johnson
Patrick Bloecher


Thanks so much Mark for giving my students and me the opportunity to share the important academic preparation and community involvement in our UW-Eau Claire Environmental Public Health Major. I felt that you did an excellent job in bringing out our spiritual values as they guide our efforts to protect public health.

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