Gigi Pomerantz - Tikkun Ha-Ir and Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods

logo for the organization showing a menorah made in a mosaic pattern

Gigi Pomerantz is a Jewish nurse practitioner doing her part to be a force for health, peace and good in the world. Recently, that includes work in Haiti, including dry composting toilets, to help agricultural productivity while improving health.

But that just scratches the surface of Gigi's living out of tikkun alom - restoration of the world.

Gigi grew up as a reformed Jew in NYC, but is part of the Reconstructionist arm of Judaism, and a member of Congregation Shir Hadash in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has been active with their social action committee for 20 years, and is active with Tikkun Ha-Ir, a Milwaukee organization bringing together Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed, Reconstructionist and other Jews, integrating the study of Jewish texts with social action.

But her newest passion is Haiti, which she visited as part of a medical mission sponsored by St Thomas Aquinas of Naperville (Illinios). This has led to her subsequent connection with Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) and their efforts in Haiti. Gigi has organized a specific program for health in Haiti and will be traveling there in January, 2007, on the first phase of this program. Those interested in participating or helping in other ways can contact Gigi at

Music featured on this program includes:

Heaven's Here On Earth - Tracy Chapman
Save A Life - Debbie Friedman

Episode Number


First Air Date

Gigi Pomerantz - Tikkun Ha-Ir and Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods

Audio file

She describes her congregation
She went back to the churches and other congregations with descriptions of the needs including sanitation and medicine
and then goes on to talk about two of the people she helped to help others. one a fellow that started a preschool, and the other is a midwife that wants to start an orphanage.
Started as a secular reformed jew. her mother an atheist and father a zionist. then she found a reconstructionist congegration that she likes.
Her views on being politically active and her religion and mixing the two.

Broadcast Date(s)


Gigi Pomerantz


Mark: I just finished listening to your interview with Gigi. It was a powerful, powerful interview. Thanks for doing the interview. Keep up the work. It's much needed.

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