Honduran Witness and US CO's - Father Melo plus Center on Conscience and War

flag of Honduras

Father Ismael (Melo) Moreno, Jesuit priest & director of Radio Progreso, brings news of Honduras since the coup and Atty JE McNeil talks about CO's like Dr. Timothy Watson, the Military and the Center on Conscience & War.

Father Melo spoke in Milwaukee on March 9, sponsored by the National Lawyers Guild - Milwaukee Chapter, the Latin America Solidarity Committee - MilwaukeePeace Action-Wisconsin, the Progressive Students of MilwaukeeMarquette Univ. Center for PeacemakingChicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America, and the Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba. In Chicago his visit was sponsored by La Voz de los de Abajos.

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Honduran Witness and US CO's - Father Melo plus Center on Conscience and War

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Father Ismael (Melo) Moreno
Atty JE McNeil


I purchased the CD of Father Moreno's radio interview in Eau Claire and played it in class at Carroll U. on Monday. It was wonderful!

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