John Ikerd - Sustainable Agriculture, Local Food

John Ikerd

John Ikerd was the keynote speaker for the 2008 Midwest Value Added Agriculture conference, held in Eau Claire. Agricultural economics is his field, and his work with with sustainable agriculture and the move toward localization of food. The conference is hosted annually by River Country Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc.

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John Ikerd - Sustainable Agriculture, Local Food

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A part of the continuing revolution in how we deal with food - eating locally.
John outlines the transitions that led us from traditional agriculture to mass produced and distributed food, starting with the poison gases of WW2.
Diversity, interdependence, community, integrity, honesty, compassion, kindness, courage - all are foundational principles aimed at by the local food movement.
Many people start their explanation of why they prefer local foods with freshness and taste, but the full reason covers lots of ground.

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John Ikerd


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