Kitchen Chemotherapy - Beat Cancer at the Roots

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Susan Silberstein is author of Kitchen Chemotherapy and a number of other books & publications, and she is the founder & educational director of the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education ( With a young husband who died of cancer, Susan has dedicated 3+ decades to gathering information and educating about the causes of cancer, and the power individuals have to provide for their own health, including notably diet and other behavioral factors.

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Kitchen Chemotherapy - Beat Cancer at the Roots

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Susan Silberstein


It is now Feb 6, 2015 and Jo(anne) is her old self, plenty of spunk, working full time , camping , on stage in community theater and staying out in front of the grim reaper. This follows a "death sentence" in early April 2013, anywhere from 2 mo to two yrs with Peritoneal Mucinous Carcinomatosis at stage 3-C,Borderline 4 cancer. Over the last two years, she has been gutted like a dear and gone through prolonged and grueling Chemo for the first and last time. She has been through much of this on her own terms standing up to the Drs when necessary. She now sees her nurse practitioner once or twice a yr and stays away from the culture of perpetual testing and sickness that has been so prevalent for so long. We have been blessed by bountiful good will and generosity from many on this voyage. We'd recommend everyone, including the healthy, learn now from people like Susan Silberstein , Jonathan Chamberlain (Spirit in Action) 11/16/2008) and many others. Usually when the big C hits it doesn't leave much time for research. Blessing to all. damian and Jo

The type of program that makes Northern Spirit Radio Priceless. Thank you Susan. Thank you Mark. Damian OBrien, fiancee of and incredible whirlwind of Spirit in Action and labeled with and fighting stage 4 cancer.

This was great. It was a very informative discussion, which could lead a person with a more pressing need for information on a good first step. I can imagine that doing a search on alternative cancer prevention or treatment would be a morass without Ms Silberstein's website to help sort out the good from the confusion. Yet in the end this wasn't just a talk about health. Funny how it comes back to the importance of following your light and acting on your leadings. Doing that can even make cancer go away! Cowabunga!!!

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