Mighty Nonviolent Peaceforce - Mel Duncan

Mighty Nonviolent Peaceforce - Mel Duncan

Mel Duncan is a founder and force behind Nonviolent Peaceforce, an important evolution in the work of unarmed, well-trained, civilian peacekeepers. With active programs in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Sudan and engaging soon in South Caucasus, Nonviolent Peaceforce has drawn widespread recognition and support, including funding from UNICEF, an upcoming training at the UN, and invitations from heads of state.

It's a carefully planned and well executed effort to transform the way peacekeeping is done, with promising results. Mel Duncan is living up to the challenge he received from a Sufi in 1997 - "your job is to enter the heart of your enemy".

First Air Date

Mighty Nonviolent Peaceforce - Mel Duncan

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His dealings with those who are violent
A challenge to Mel
Cost effectiveness
Difference between his and other groups
How recent court decisions have caused potential legal problems for them and all nonviolent peace groups.
Work they are doing

Broadcast Date(s)


Mel Duncan


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