A Need for Poverty

Amigas del Senor

What led Prairie Cutting (now Sister Confianza del Señor) & Beth Blodgett (now Sister Alegria del Señor) to leave the USA & create the Methodist-Quaker Amigas del Señor Monastery in Honduras? One key motivation was a calling to lead a life of poverty, explained in an article in Western Friend called Overcoming Need.


First Air Date

A Need for Poverty

Audio file

Living on $200/month for 2 people makes local foods a necessity - maybe not so tough in Honduras.
A glimpse into the life & work of the monastery, and how they're viewed by the local folks in Honduras.
Some interesting tidbits about Methodist history
A physical description of the Amigas del Señor Monastery

Broadcast Date(s)


Sister Confianza del Senor
Sister Alegria del Senor


I really enjoyed your interview on Northern Spirit Radio with Mark Helpsmeet. So nice to hear you both "in person".

Good to listen to you both Sisters Alegria and Confianza. I hope that the broadcast generates a lot of interest in the monastery - it should do!

Oh, how wonderful to see this! I'll be listening; they're remarkable. I heard about them about a year ago on a FB friend's page and have tried to follow them since.

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