Queer Film, Fossil Fuel-less-ness, Brown Suga, & More

Bubble & Squeak

Guest-host Peterson Toscano brings highlights from his Bubble&Squeak podcast, including visits with queer writer/film producer Kristin Peterson Kaszubowski about Ringolevio, from various folks, including Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, about a vision of a fossil fuel-free world, from artist George Ferrandi, from Craig Middleton, co-author of the book Queering the Museum, from Aeryka Harvey of Brown Suga Diaries, & from Peggy Campolo, about her transformation from a mousy pastor’s wife to one of the most outspoken Evangelicals in America speaking up for LGBTQ rights. And more...

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Evangelical Christian, Quaker

Episode Number


First Air Date

Queer Film, Fossil Fuel-less-ness, Brown Suga, & More

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Broadcast Date(s)


Peterson Toscano
Kristin Peterson Kaszubowski
Dr. Natasha DeJarnett
George Ferrandi
Craig Middleton
Aeryka Harvey
Peggy Campolo


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