Reasons for Hope

Betsy Raasch-Gilman has a lifetime of experience as an activist, feminist, anarchist, Quaker, and change-maker, so she has seen the ups-and-downs of organizing and burn-out. Hearing of the exhaustion of activists in the current political turmoil, she gathered her resources and shared a presentation on Reasons for Hope. Betsy's activism over the decades has included time with Movement for a New SocietyTraining for Change, and many other efforts & groups. She is currently active with SURJ-MN (Showing Up for Racial Justice - Minnesota) or SURJ on Facebook.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Quaker, Unitarian Universalist

Featured Music:
Dancing at the Revolution - by Peter Alsop

Episode Number


First Air Date

Reasons for Hope

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Betsy Raasch-Gilman


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