Sing Out The Vote & MVP (Movement Voter Project)

Sing Out the Vote: Peter Blood and Annie Patterson

In an effort to support MVP (Movement Voter Project), Annie Patterson & Peter Blood of organized 5 on-line benefit concerts to raise funds, consciousness, & energy to Sing Out The Vote. Focusing their concerts on particular "battleground" states & regions, they educated about the issues & organizations involved in the upcoming election, combining edification for the minds & electrifying for the spirits of their listeners. Some of the 5 concerts included music by Si Kahn of FolkVOTE, Pat & Sandy of Emma's Revolution, and Reggie Harris, enriched by commentary from Ann Nugent (Massachusetts organizer with MVP), and LaTosha Brown co-founder of Black Voters Matter.

All the songs in this program, except the last, are performed by Annie Patterson & Peter Blood of as part of their 9/25/20 Sing Out The Vote concert, and the songwriter is noted with each song:
Which Side Are You On? - written by Florence Reece
Put One Foot In Front Of The Other - written by Melanie DeMore
You're No Good - written by Clint Ballard Jr.
Woke Up This Morning - revamp of an old gospel song, written by Reverend Robert Wesby
Still On The Bridge - written by Claudia Schmidt (see the video here)
Gonna Vote Your Asses Out - written & performed by Emma's Revolution (see the video here)

Episode Number


First Air Date

Sing Out The Vote & MVP (Movement Voter Project)

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Annie Patterson
Peter Blood
Si Kahn
Pat Humphries
Sandy O
Reggie Harris
Ann Nugent
LaTosha Brown


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