Standing As Witness In Honduras

Babette Grunow

Babette Grunow is headed to spend a week in Honduras, standing as an international witness to prevent violence. She's been active in Latin America for decades, in the USA and on the ground there. Introduced to Latin America by her Franciscan uncle, Babette has a passion for justice & freedom for our neighbors.

Babette Grunow will speak to your group. Other related resources are La Voz de Los de Abajo on Facebook, Voz Blog 1, Voz Blog 2, Dana Frank's Common Dreams article and Dana Frank in the Nation.

Music Featured:
Avanza el Camino Avanza (The Path Moves Forward, The Road Goes Ahead)
Nos tienen miedo por que no tenemos miedo (They Fear Us Because We Are Not Afraid)
El Zapatazo en Honduras (The Shoe in Honduras)

First Air Date

Standing As Witness In Honduras - Babette Grunow

Audio file

The evidence of United States malfeasance in Central America.
Co-workers in the struggle
How she became involved in Central America issues.
In the region of Honduras...
observing what crimes the death squads might commit and talking to the people of the country

Broadcast Date(s)


Babette Grunow


This is a very interesting interview on a topic that deserves more attention. 1/28/11

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