Vision, Utopia, & Big Questions - Martin Schoenhals & Jeremy Lent

Jeremy Lent & Martin Schoenhals

Featuring 2 great thinkers mapping a better future for us all by looking deep within not only the human mind, but the mind of the Earth & Cosmos. Jeremy Lent, of Berkeley, CA, is the author of The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity's Search for Meaning and of The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science & Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the UniverseMartin Schoenhals is author of Work, Love, and Learning in Utopia: Equality Reimagined, and Martin is a professor of anthropology at Appalachian State University. Both swim on the deep side of the vision & insight on a wide range of topics including human nature, nature's nature, science, philosophy, community, history, & the future.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Buddhism, Confusionism, Earth-Based Spirituality, Jewish, Taoist

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First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with Jeremy Lent & Martin Schoenhals on Vision & Utopia

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Vision, Utopia, & Big Questions - Martin Schoenhals & Jeremy Lent

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Jeremy Lent
Martin Schoenhals


Mark did a great job interviewing me and Jeremy. It is a really good conversation and well worth listening to!


Marty Schoenhals

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