Stan served in the Wisconsin State Assembly for 10 years, championing sustainable living, farming, and more, and was a keynote speaker at the 2007 MREA Energy Fair. His passion is motivating and connection citizens with our "common wealth", the ways that we can work together for the good of all. I captured his talk at the Energy Fair and visited with him 1-on-1 afterwards.
Spirit Afoot at the MREA's Energy & Sustainable Living Fair - Part 2
Snapshot visits at this year's Energy fair, including Stan Gruszynski keynote, Steve Mellenthin, Mike Miles of Anathoth, music by Pine Wilson & Kevin Soucie, Community Homestead visitors, Ned Boyles workshop on Reality 101, exhibitors TS Designs, Tall Grass Bioneers, SonLight Power and Lake Michigan Wind & Sun, and part of Judith Levine's keynote on her "Not Buying It" book.