Ep 32 Coal Miners Tell Their Stories

Nick Mullins Director, Breaking Clean

Two coal miners from Appalachia open up about the risks and challenges of mining. Michael Ray Whitten from West Virginia and Nick Mullins from Kentucky come from families that have been mining for generations. They talk to show host, Peterson Toscano, about the physical toll mining had on their fathers. After seeing the damage to miners and to the land, they are now speaking out about the need to transition away from coal mining jobs. Dr. Nathasha DeJarnett from the National Environmental Health Organizationjoins the conversation to talk about Black Lung Disease and the health risks miners in rural communities face. Listen in to this informative and moving discussion.

Art House

Inthe art house you will meet Michelle Irizarry. She a visual artist living in Orlando, Florida, USA. Michelle is is also a civil engineer. As a result of climate change, she has seen a big transformation in her work as a artist. Hear about her powerful new paintings and the role of art in her life as she deepens her understanding of climate change. She her paintings on-line at her websiteor her Facebook page


We also have answers to last month’s puzzler: What do you say your co-worker, Janet, wants nothing to do with your bipartisan climate group because it includes Conservatives?Two listeners share how they would address Janet’s fears and doubts.

New Puzzler Question

At a family gathering you are chatting with your cousin, Dan. You mention climate change and he has a meltdown. He says, “I feel so discouraged. All over the world you have leaders in Brazil, the US, and parts of Canada opposing any action on climate change. I hate to give up but maybe we just have to wait a couple of years before we can do anything about it.”

What do you say to Dan to help address this discouragement she has? If national leaders are not acting on climate change, what can we do?

Send your answers to Peterson by February 15, 2019. Leave your name, contact info, and where you are from.

You can email your answers to radio @ citizensclimate.org or leave a voicemail of 3 minutes or less at 518.595.9414. (+1 if calling from outside the USA.) 

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You can hear Citizens’ Climate Radio on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher RadioSoundCloudPodbeanNorthern Spirit RadioGoogle PlayPlayerFM, and TuneIn Radio. Also, feel free to connect with other listeners, suggest program ideas, and respond to programs in the Citizens’ Climate Radio Facebook group or on Twitter at @CitizensCRadio.

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Ep 32 Coal Miners Speak Out

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Dr. Natasha DeJarnett
Nick Mullins
Michael Ray Whitten
Michelle Irizarry


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