Coping Fruitfully with Climate Changed

June 2024 Climate Changed Podcast Guest Episode

Today's guest-hosts from the Climate Changed Podcast of the BTS Center, Ben Yosua-Davis and Nicole Diroff, are bringing us some hope and instruction in how to cope constructively with the threat and tribulations of Climate Changed. Guests include Dr. Susanne Moser. Susi is a Research Scholar in the School of Environmental Studies at Antioch University New England, and also Katie Patrick, Katie is an environmental engineer, climate action designer, and author of the book How to Save the World: How to Make Changing the World the Greatest Game We've Ever Played . This program is possible because of the sound and journalism mastery of Peterson Toscano.

Episode Number


First Air Date

Coping Fruitfully with Climate Changed

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Ben Yosua-Davis
Nicole Diroff
Susanne Moser
Katie Patrick


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