Cameroonians, Cherokees, Republicans, Playwrights - We All Need to Solve Climate Change

Citizens Climate Radio

Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio guest-hosts today, visiting with Jacques Kenjio is a Ph.D. Candidate in environmental studies at Antioch University New England and from Cameroon, West Africa, Mary Kathryn Nagle is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation and partner in a small law firm where she works to protect tribal sovereignty and to protect their women and children from domestic violence and sexual assault. She is also a successful playwright who has been raising awareness about these issues on stage. Also featured is Geraldo Cadava, the author of The Hispanic Republican: The Shaping of An American Political Identity, from Nixon to Trump and Elli Sparks, currently Citizens Climate Lobby’s Director of Field Development and author of Tell Me A Story, a conversation between a parent and a child, and a story within a story. You can email Peterson or find more resources on the Citizens Climate Lobby website.

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Cameroonians, Cherokees, Republicans, Playwrights - We All Need to Solve Climate Change

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Peterson Toscano
Jacques Kenjio
Geraldo Cadava
Mary Kathryn Nagle
Elli Sparks
Anna Weber-Loomis
Zeke Weber-Loomis


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