A Different Story for Our Future: Citizens Climate Radio

Citizens' Climate Radio August 2024 Guest Episode

Rob Hopkins, co-founder of the Transition Network and Transition Town Totnes, and author of several influential books, including “The Transition Handbook” and “From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want,” believes that playful imagination is crucial for tackling climate change. Rob encourages communities to adopt sustainable practices that promote self-sufficiency and environmental stewardship. His approach to climate activism is deeply rooted in the power of imagination, urging people to envision a future where collective action has transformed our world for the better.

Carrie Ziegler is a collaborative artist based in Olympia, Washington, whose passion lies in creating large-scale art projects that inspire positive change. By working with schools, nonprofits, and local governments, Carrie brings together hundreds, sometimes thousands, of individuals to address environmental and social justice issues through art.

One of her most impactful projects involved creating a life-sized gray whale made entirely of plastic bags and trash, engaging over 900 children and adults.

Dana Nuccitelli, CCL Research Coordinator, explores whether a carbon price remains the best climate policy in a post-Inflation Reduction Act world. Visit the Nerd Corner to join the conversation. You can also read some of Dana’s articles in The Guardian.

Peterson challenges us to use personal stories, which hold significant meaning and energy for us, as metaphors for climate change. You'll hear two compelling stories from the Citizens' Climate Radio team members Erica Valdez and Horace Mo, each reflecting personal growth and resilience.

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A Different Story for Our Future: Citizens Climate Radio

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Peterson Toscano
Rob Hopkins
Carrie Ziegler
Dana Nuccitelli
Erica Valdez
Horace Mo


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