Storytelling the World to Climate Well-being - Citizens Climate Radio

Citizens' Climate Radio February 2023 guest episode

Conservatives & storytellers unite for climate well-being, featuring a wide array of valuable climate-related guests & resources though guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio. The cast of characters includes conservatives Adrian Rafizadeh & Nate Abercrombie, storyteller Allison Whitaker & poet Lilace Mellin Guinard, scientist Natasha DeJarnett, and organizations, resources, and events like RepublicEN’s EcoRight Speaks PodcastCCL’s Conservative Caucus, the upcoming Conservative Climate Leadership Conference & Lobby Day, March 28-29, 2023 in Washington, DC, the Christina Lee Brown Environment InstituteThe BTS Center in Portland, MaineWith Many RootsCrowdsourcing Sustainability, the Quakers Today Podcast, and the June 10-13, 2023. Citizens Climate International Conference and Lobby Day In Washington, DC. You can email Peterson or find more resources on the Citizens Climate Lobby website.

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Storytelling the World to Climate Well-being - Citizens Climate Radio

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Peterson Toscano
Adrian Rafizadeh
Nate Abercrombie
Alison Whitaker
Lilace Mellin Guinard
Natasha DeJarnett


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