Healing From Twin Loss - Mary Rockefeller Morgan

Healing From Twin Loss - Mary Rockefeller Morgan

Mary Rockefeller Morgan's book is Beginning With the End: A Memoir of Twin Loss and Healing, where Mary traces the trauma and the route to healing which she experienced and now passes on to other "Twinless Twins", like the group created by the events of 9/11/2001. The tragedy that so impacted Mary in 1961 was known nationwide because Nelson Rockefeller, governor of New York (and eventually VP under President Ford), was her father, and the story serves as a cautionary and, eventually, helpful tale of the complexities and possibilities of healing from loss of a beloved intimate.

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Healing From Twin Loss - Mary Rockefeller Morgan

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Mary Rockefeller Morgan


loved the interview, and forwarded the info to a friend who had lost a twin. It turns out she had heard Mary as a keynote speaker at a couple of conferences but didn't know that she had a book out. thanks again, great service you provide with your show, and with follow up. p.s. I heard a snippet of the interview on WOOL radio in Bellows Falls, VT, and then followed up to find out what it was all about, glad I did!

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