Naked! Part One - Jon Watts' Song of the Soul

Jon Watts

Jon Watts digs deep with talk about nakedness, righteousness, our global body, and more, in his distinctive, quirky, style: Spirited music-enhanced spoken word poetry. Come on!

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Jon Watts
Let's Get Naked
Don't Doff Your Hat
Together We Compose This Bloody, Bleeding, Beating Drum


Episode Number


First Air Date

Naked! Part One - Jon Watts' Song of the Soul

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Jon Watts


I got to meet Jon at the Occupy DC gathering and was so impressed by the strength of his music and the depth of his lyrics. His work is definition thought and conversation provoking!

Enjoyed listening to Jon and he motivation to create he new album. I've already purchased it and enjoy listening to it while I'm driving all over Wisconsin.

Great interview with Jon Watts. His music, as always, touches me deeply and hearing more of the stories behind his songs inspires me to want more.

Great show. Thoughtful and provocative to hear his journey and his art.

Listening to Jon's music has taught me more about what it means to be a Quaker.

I love Jon Watts and his music, and I think his most recent project is thought-provoking and spiritual. Thank you Northern Spirit Radio for sharing this with us.

Jon is both an inspired and inspiring musician as well as a beacon of Quaker Light. Great interview!

Great interview and inspiring music! Authenticity is one of the most important messages and examples of our times.

I feel that I got to know Jon Watts by listening to this show. Jon has an informed perspective which enriches his poetry and performance for listeners. I like the metaphor of nakedness; it makes us each think of how we clothe ourselves; what we put on literally and figuratively, and why. It reminds us to be intentional. Jon, I encourage you to continue your ministry in music to the greatest extent possible. Providence will support your spirited sharing; I am sure of it ! Mark, as usual, does a great job in bringing out the spirit of the artist, the why and what for, with his deep, probing and thoughtful questions. In every interview, Mark, you really connect with the artist and help reveal their soul. I look forward to next week's installment - Part Two !

You said it all, Jon "is the real thing." Thank you for this inspirational interview.

What an inspiration. I'll definitely keep an eye out for a chance to see Jon perform!

I haven't had a chance to listen to any other "Song of the Soul" episodes yet though I love the concept. Jon Watts has caught the naturist and nudist world by storm with his fresh and raw honest spirit. I've been involved with the Christian Naturist "movement" for a handful of years now and it's very refreshing to stumble across a parallel movement of God's Spirit within Quakerism and spilling over beyond.

Jon is an amazing writer and musician... so glad you have made this available to (I hope)lots of other people...

I love the music, the words, and Jon. Great messages put forth in an interesting way!

I've been listening to Let's Get Naked/Clothe Yourself In Righteousness on a loop for the last month. Very addictive music!

It's interesting to hear how creations sometimes naturally fit into a framework spontaneously.

This interview is great! Jon is an inspiration to anyone who wishes to let themselves speak.

Jon Watts and his friends are a brave, inspired, and courageous group of folk who if emulated would illustrate the kingdom of God on earth. They are following their hearts and living out a life of authenticity, the kind of life that Jesus exemplified and that ultimately cost him his life. I so admire Jon and I wish I lived in his area in order to meet him and his friends and live out our truth. Refusing to hide one's body is just the beginning, the easiest, the most natural and simplest of what Jon is espousing. Refusing to hide one's soul and one's spirtit is far more challenging and certainly the next steps in being "naked and unashamed." We have been invited by God to live lives of authenticity, even when the authentic is painful or scary or sad or angry because only when we accept our authenticity can we be overcome with joy and happiness and pleasure and love. More later, but congratulations to Jon Watts and his beautiful friends and may he and they live out their days in this truth, not just for the moment, but for the eternal.

Every time I listen, really listen to Jon's words in his latest CD I understand more about Quakerism. Jon takes us back to our roots -- to being genuine in our relationships with others, seeing that of God in them and in us. Stipping away layers of pretense is so hard, but not impossible. Congratulations Jon!

Great interview with Jon. There is courage in baring one's body and soul. "I am finally alive and dying at the same time." That's what it's all about. Thank you Jon!

Jon is one of the most AMAZING musicians ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =:D

Jon Watts is an incredibly gifted performer and a faithful vessel for the work of the Spirit. Every word that comes out of his mouth is worth listening to!

Thank you for your interview of Jon Watts. I've been digging his music for a while & his message is right on! I look forward to more "nakedness" here, there & everywhere, Kimberly Cain Naked Prayers Blog -

What Jon has to say on the topic of Nakedness and the inspiration for his ministry of music is interesting, provacative and good food for the soul.

Thank you for interviewing Jon Watts! Each time I listen to his new album--and there have been many times--I hear something new that interrupts all my brain chatter, leaving me fresh and questioning. Some of the questions that arise in me are scary, and I don't want to deal with them all at once. But I feel like a better person for having asked them. And I trust that answers will come either when I am prepared--or when God catches me naked.

Watts is an intriguing and innovative musician. I am enjoying hearing what comes next always!

Jon Watts has an important message and vision to share. I hope many will support the Clothe Yourself in Righteousness CD.

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