I Resisted Today

Thousands of groups sprang up across the USA very shortly after the election of Donald Trump, all as part of the Indivisible movement of resistance to the assault on our nation's well-being. A local branch sprouted here in the Chippewa Valley. An early participant and communications activist with the group is Rachel Hart-Brinson, and the newly-selected leader is Ann Francis. One of the many activities they sponsored was a Nonviolence Training workshop led by James Handley.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Buddhism, UCC - United Church of Christ

First Air Date

I Resisted Today

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Rachel Hart-Brinson
Ann Francis


I am nothing short of thrilled to hear from you and to have run into you and your shows. Most News has such a negative bias, it's hard to find good material that stays on the solution side of change. We pay so much attention to the problems, it keeps them inflated more than they deserve, after all, they are all failed ideas.

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