Magic Medicine Mountain Singer

Ash Devine

So much to love about Ash Devine - her songs, her singing, her humanitarian clowning, her Magic Penny instrument gifting, her Earth connection, her social activism, & much more. Combining indie-folk and Appalachian music influences with her Theater & Community Arts for Social Change studies, Ash is a captivating performer, breathing spirit & joy through her vocals and a dance of the soul through her instruments. A long-time Asheville, NC, resident, Ash has returned to her Blacksburg, VA, roots, also Appalachian territory. Remember to support Ash on Patreon.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Baptist, Earth-Based Spirituality, Methodist, Native American, Presbyterian, UCC - United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist, Unity Churches

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Ash Devine, unless otherwise indicated:
I Choose You - from Blessings on Your Journey
Sisters of Magic - from Bird Must Fly
Something To Say - from Blessings on Your Journey
Fly Little Bird - from Blessings on Your Journey - Watch the video!!!
Sing Your Medicine - unreleased home video
How Can I Keep From Singing - unreleased home video - traditional song

Episode Number


First Air Date

Magic Medicine Mountain Singer

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Broadcast Date(s)


Ash Devine


HOW AWESOME!!! Deepest thanks, Ash, for continuing to share your truly awesome gifts with the world!!!!

I really enjoyed talking with you Mark. Thanks again for having me on the show! I'm looking forward to exploring your website. Love, Ash Devine

Sitting at my campsite here in TN with tears in my eyes listening to this incredible interview that my new friend Mark Judkins-Helpsmeet facilitated through Northern Spirit Radio. Mark contacted me last summer when he heard my raw version of “How Can I Keep From Singing” that I arranged from a. Little travel trailer in Port Townsend, WA while praying for folks in the path of hurricane Irma in 2017. Through out the summer he relentlessly nudged me to do this interview , and I'm so glad we finally got around to doing it . It felt so nice to tell a bit of my story and to share about my music and my work. I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately on my insanely interesting life experiences so far , and this was a great way to be witnessed and to put it out there. Sometimes all of the stuff just gets swirly up in my head and I have too much to share and not enough outlets for it . I hope you all get a chance to listen and to enjoy the story of my life work and my music . Thanks again Mark , you did a great job of boiling down my rambling story teller impulses . I feel lifted up by your friendship .

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