Fighting Agents Provocateurs Nonviolently

Steve Chase

Steve Chase has been involved with impressive and world-changing activism all of his adult life. He has his PhD in Environmental Studies from Antioch University, where he also taught for 15 years, after first working as an editor and writer for the More Than Money Journal. He was director of education at the Pendle Hill Quaker retreat center for 2 years, worked at the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) for 4 years, and is now Assistant Director of Solidarity 2020 and Beyond. He's written several books, including How Agent Provocateurs Harm Our Movements, and what we can do about it. You can download the book on this page, and you can watch the 1/18/2022 webinar about the book.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Episcopalian, Quaker

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Full, Uncut, Interview with Steve Chase

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Fighting Agents Provocateurs Nonviolently

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Steve Chase


Excellent interview, thank you! I’m curious if there are examples of provocations over the last few years during George Floyd protests, especially in Portland several summers ago. Actions there (at least as viewed on conventional media) included arson, looting, vandalism, and injuries during nighttime protests, and suggests provocateurs. Has this been studied? And if not, how might one go about doing so? 

In reply to by Michael Chase (not verified)

Yes, Michael - the most talked about that I heard of after George Floyd's murder was "The Umbrella Man" - in Minneapolis. And there were signs of them in other places, including Portland - check out this article from Counterpunch for more details.


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