Chuck Fager/Quaker House

photo of Quaker House

Chuck Fager has been the director of Quaker House in Fayetteville, NC, for 4 years now, advocating for peace and providing information and advocacy to those attempting to avoid or get out of the military, in one of the most concentrated military environments of the USA. Chuck is the author of more than 14 books and many more stories, articles and publications. He was a member of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's staff and a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.

Born into a Catholic family, raised on military bases through much of his childhood, attending a military academy in high school and enrolled in ROTC, it hardly seemed likely that Chuck would end up an activist, peace advocate and Quaker - but that is the direction God led him. From his involvement in civil rights, including participation in the Selma Voting Rights Crusade, to his eventual declaration as a CO during Vietnam, and to his current role as director of Quaker House, Chuck is dedicated to deep thought and resolute action. His books and writings have covered the gamut, including Bible study, fiction, political commentary, memoir and even ghost and humor stories, available via his web site for Kimo Press.

In addition to his antiwar duties at Quaker House and with the GI Right Hotline (800-394-9544), Chuck has helped organize efforts to win the release of the 4 abducted members of the Christian Peacemaker Team in Iraq via the Free The Captives Now web site.

Music featured:
Oxford Town - Bob Dylan
Ohio - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Bring The Boys Home - Freda Payne

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Chuck Fager/Quaker House

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The arguments aren't all there is.
Chuck was NOT a pacifist, nor was he avoiding Vietnam - he chose to leave ROTC to avoid boredom.
Being part of Civil Rights work with Martin Luther King, Jr, leads Chuck to apply as a Conscientious Observer - with a letter of reference from MLK.
The freedom to be an atheist didn't end Chuck's search - it opened him to look clearly within. Eventually, he couldn't deny that although "atheists have the best arguments", they was something deep their arguments couldn't deny.
Ironically, Chuck Fager finds atheism while attending a Catholic Military Acedemy, attending church at least twice a day!

Broadcast Date(s)


Chuck Fager


Please let Mark know that I have just listened to Northern Spirit radio--interviews with Tim Lane and Chuck Fager. Great stuff! Jonathan Lutz

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