Annabella Wood's Song of the Soul

cover of Annabella Wood's CD

During nearly 30 years of driving trucks Annabella was pulled into deep spiritual introspection. One of the outcroppings of this was prolific songwriting on spiritual matters. With her partner at the time, Bobbie Bush, she formed the singing duo "Sweet Spirit". Annabella continues singing solo now delving into the challenge of balancing physical life with spiritual being. You can find some of her music on, or you can contact her directly to order the CD's at

Annabella's Song of the Soul includes the following music:

Life   Sweet Spirit (Annabella & Bobbi Bush)
In the Stillness   Sweet Spirit (Annabella & Bobbi Bush)
Just Say Yes   Sweet Spirit (Annabella & Bobbi Bush)
Bits and Pieces   Annabella Wood
Prisoner   Annabella Wood
Amazing Grace   Sweet Spirit (Annabella & Bobbi Bush)


Episode Number


First Air Date

Annabella Wood's Song of the Soul

Audio file

Introduction includes viewing life as a dance.
In the Stillness

Broadcast Date(s)


Annabella Wood


enjoyed your interview with Meridith on road dog. I am also a lady trucker and have been out here for 33 yrs, I've been an oo most of those years. I like to hear about other lady drivers that started way back when.

I happen to run into Annabella Wood here in Reading, PA at a Unity Church Service yesterday. Her music touched me a great deal and I purchased a her current CD and asked her for her card where I got her website and. consequently, this interview/performance. I am moved by her story, her singing and her song writing. Thanks for providing her the platform on which to meet many others of the mystery and quest for spiritual truths.

I actually think it's pretty good. This girl should be on the Ellen DeGenerus Show singing that Truck Driven Mama song. Annebella has much to offer and a good future a head of her. She will go far. I will keep her in my prayers.


As always, Annabella Wood is at Her Best! What a beautiful, touching song.. what an original talent, Anabella.

anabella: along with your wonderful parents, we have just heard your wonderful songs and thoughts on faith. My sincere prayers are with your at this time that the your future surgery will be most successful and that you will recover to continue to tell your faith through song and deeds. My love to you Annabella

Wonderful interview, Annabella and Mark! Honest, fair, interesting, human, piercing, enlightening, inspiring, and even more. We all wish you the best of recoveries after the next operation. Love to you both.

Awesome and amazing interview...just like the woman that gave the interview. All the best Annabella. Much Love

Glad to hear you are recovering, sorry there is more surgery in your future. It is nice to hear you doing so well emotionally/spiritually. It sounds like God has blessed you with great Spiritual pinnacles to get you through some major challenges. The new arrangement for Prisioer was Right On. Best wishes on your journey... I will hold you in a healing light... God Bless!

Annabella; It was no coincidence that I could not get through the other night. I needed it tonight. The interview was so honest, uplighting and spiritual.... so you... and so needed by me tonight. Thanks Mark for the interview. Annbella I am so proud to say I know you. Love your style. happy to hear that you are recuperating well....All the best and much love.

This program is so rich. The host asked great questions of Annabella, and Annabella answered from a deep place of spirit, of connection with herself and of life. The music you featured fit the interview beautifully. I am honored to know Annabella.

Annabella rocks in more ways than one. What a deeply sweet offering, thank you!

Wonderful slice of life. Thank you, Mark, and thank you Annabella.

hi annabella not suer if you remember and bobbie use to come to battle creek mi and sing to our chuch and some time you would let mike and don sing with you,i rember when they went and cut a cd with you. of cource got that cd too. any way i was giong though my cd and their i found three of your cd. so i just had to play them and i getting such a wonderful felling just like i use to every time you came to town. i sure miss thought days. my it been 11, 12 or 13 years ago. just wanted to let know you and your song were and are a big of my life to connect with spirit. if you do get this and have the time could you email me just to let me know you got this. i would be so tickel if you would just let me know.i lose track of rev. muria, rev. jerry, and kay. may be you still konw where their are and how theri doing if so give them my e mail .my spelling not so great i hope you can understand what in writing. well i will say so lone. i send my love and light to you and bobbie, i read that you are not togther so if you have a other sweet person in your life i send my love and light them too. good night. and thank you for your music. i will alway play it .

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