A Blessing From EverySoul

Amanda Udis Kessler

Amanda Udis-Kessler is part of EverySoul, and their music has a message, often a counterpoint to narrow, doctrinaire, theology and thought. Having explored the highways & byways of the religious & spiritual world, Amanda identifies as Unitarian-Universalist, appreciating diverse points of view, but strongly rooting in love & hope. Her song, The Difference, was a finalist in the Songs for Social Change 2017 of RAWA.org. She is Director of Assessment and Program Review at Colorado College.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Baha'i, Episcopalian, Jewish, Quaker, UCC - United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist 

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Amanda Udis-Kessler of EverySoul:
Equinox - from Into The Gray
Hell Is A Human Invention - from Rejoice: Songs & Hymns
Love At The Core - Into The Gray
Welcome To The Manger - from Rejoice: Songs & Hymns
Affirmation - from Rejoice: Songs & Hymns
Bringing In The Harvest - from Rejoice: Songs & Hymns

Broadcast Date(s)


Amanda Udis Kessler


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